Physical Science Notes

Beyond Our Solar System

Properties of Stars: color, brightness, mass, temperature, size

Measuring distance to stars

must use indirect methods

stellar parallax - shift in the apparent position of a nearby star due to the orbital motion of the Earth. (largest parallax angel is less than 1/3600 of a degree.

Light-year: the distance light traveling at 300,000,000 meters per second travels in one year. [5.8 trillion miles]

Stellar Brightness

depends on:

  1. size
  2. temperature
  3. distance

Apparent Magnitude how bright a star seems to be from Earth Scale extends from negative values (very bright) to 23 (very dim).

Absolute Magnitude distance must be considered and brightness at a fixed distance calculated so that stars can be compared. Most stars fall between -5 and 15

Stellar Color and Temperature

Blue: hot

Yellow: mid-range

Red: relatively cool

Binary stars two stars that orbit each other.

Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram

shows the relationship between temperature and brightness

Main-sequence stars hotter, more massive blue stars to cooler, less massive red stars

Red Giants and White Dwarfs do not fall along the main sequence. Our sun does.

Interstellar Matter

nebula concentrations of dust and gases in space.

bright nebula glowing dust and gases due to a nearby blue star emission nebulae, absorb uv, emit visible light reflectin nebulae, dense "clouds" that reflect the light of nearby stars.

dark nebula interstellar material that is opaque and does not glow

Stellar Evolution

Stars exist because of gravity. A star balances two forces: gravity trying to contract it and thermal energy trying to expand it.

A nebula undergoes an initial contraction that lasts about a million years.

A red protostar is formed and continues to contract and heat up

A stable main-sequence star is formed when equilibrium is reached between fusion and gravitational contraction

Hydrogen fusion lasts a few billion years. Our sun has a life span of 10 billion years and is middle-aged now

Red Giant Stage Red giants form from contraction of the core that becomes hot enough to fuse Helium

Our sun is destined to spend one billion years as a red giant.

Burnout and Death

Low-Mass Stars spend life as red main sequence stars then collapse to white dwarfs

Medium-Mass Stars (our sun) main-sequence star to red giant to planetary nebula to white dwarf

Massive Stars main sequence star to red supergiant to supernova explosion to black hole or neutron star

Stellar Remnants

White Dwarfs hot (25,000 K), small (Earth sized). high density (one spoonful = tons)

Neutron Stars remnants of supernova events, electrons and rpotons combine to create neutrons, pea-sized sample=100 million tons, very strong magnetic field, pulsars

Black Holes gavitational field so dense light cannot escape it.

The Milky Way Galaxy

Countless stars that the eyes cannot resolve. 100 billion stars in our galaxy. Our sun is in one of the three spiral arms of our galaxy.


Hundreds of billions of galaxies fall into three types

  1. spiral - young and old stars
  2. elliptical - small old stars
  3. irregular - young stars

Galaxies exist in clusters and superclusters

Doppler effect shift in wavelength due to motion of source or observer

Expanding Universe most galaxies are receding from us.

Hubble's Law galaxies are receding from us at a speed that is proportional to their distance.

The Big Bang

The Universe began 20 billion years ago and will reach some kind of limit to its expansion in about 20 billion years. Whether it contracts again or not depends on the total amount of matter in the universe.