Chemistry 121

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Welcome to Chemistry 121.

City Colleges Course Catalog Description

CHEMISTRY 073 0121 - Basic Chemistry I

Principles of general inorganic chemistry, including properties of matter, dimensional analysis, fundamentals of stoichiometry, interpretation of the periodic table, nomenclature and introduction to solution chemistry and commonly used concentration units. Writing assignments, as appropriate to the discipline, are part of the course. Prerequisites: Eligibility for Mathematics 118 or higher. 2 lecture hours and 4 lab hours per week based on sixteen weeks. Credit Hours: 4

Students the Course is Expected to Serve

Chemistry 121 is designed mainly for students who have not had high school chemistry in the last few years and who do not have the necessary mathematics preparation or familiarity with the periodic table to take Chemistry 201 - General Chemistry I. Students who plan to apply for the Associate Degree Nursing Program and student who wish to improve their science background compose the majority of students in this course. It also counts as 4 credit hours of laboratory science in the physical sciences when applied towards the science requirement in the general education core.

Illinois Articulation Initiative (IAI)

Note: Chemistry 121 has an IAI code of P1 902L. You can learn more about IAI by visiting iTransfer.


Joy WalkerProf Joy Walker

Learning About Volcanos at Crater Lake

Currently I'm an adjunct professor emeritus for the City Colleges of Chicago. I was a tenured professor for 30+ years at Truman College. I love to learn and share my enthusiasm for learning. I have many interests. I enjoy learning about science, gardening, cooking and baking, linguistics and languages, drawing, painting and crafting, and literature. I believe we learn best when we are curious, excited, interested and engaged in our own learning processes.

Office Hours
Before and after class AND by appointment

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

I support this statement adopted by the Physical Science and Engineering department at Truman College

We are committed to equity, inclusion, diversity and success of students and staff. We retain a fundamental belief that all people belong and deserve fairness, justice, and inclusivity. Our strength comes from our diversity. We celebrate the visible and invisible qualities that make each person unique including, but not limited to, culture, race, gender, age, sexuality, ability, religion, national origin, gender identity and other identities. In the classroom we focus on treating everyone with dignity, respect, kindness, compassion, and civility. We value a community where all individuals from all levels can participate, contribute, and have a voice.

Required Course Materials

Essentials Introductory Chemistry 6th Ed. by Nivaldo J. Tro ©2018 Pearson Pub.

A scientific calculator such as the TI 30X or similar

Favorite Molecule


Caffeine has the molecular formula C8H10N4O2 and acts as a stimulant in humans. It is found in many beverages such as coffee, tea, cola and energy drinks. The name comes from the Italian term for coffee, caffè. Read what Wikipedia has to say about caffeine.
